Let's unlock that creative genius!

with 1:1 creative coaching

Whether you're a practising artist struggling with challenges like feeling clear on what you desire most creatively / being visible and putting your work out there / making more money from your art or believing in yourself enough to make the bold moves you truly want to make – private creative coaching really can be the potent secret sidekick in your creative career you didn't know you needed.

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"I'm honestly so grateful to you Kerry for bringing back this part of me that I've buried for so long. I feel like a different human to who I was at the beginning of the process, and yet, more me than ever before”

Jack Watkins
Musician + Designer

Let's check-in


  • Are an established creative who either feels stagnant in your creativity, or nowhere near fulfilling your creative potential

  • Are tired of creating for everyone else or just creating for ‘what sells’

  • Struggle to uncover where you want to go, or feel frustrated ‘cause you know what you want, you’re just not making it happen

  • Perhaps feel stuck in the same place you were 5-10 years ago, or maybe even longer

  • Feel an immense pressure to stick with what you’re doing because 1) it’s come to be expected of you, and 2) you've bills to pay


  • Sense you have way more to offer the world than what you’re currently giving and creating (watching from the sidelines stings like crazy)

  • Are craving some clarity on where to go next creatively

  • Hugely value your art and creativity [you need to create like you need to breathe kinda thing]

  • Feel tingly and energised with child-like excitement at the idea of finally being able to create what you want for yourself, from your heart

  • Are ready to take that first step towards creating real, positive change so you can truly feel, and live, like YOU again

Then today might just be your lucky day...

Because you're exactly who my private creative coaching is designed for!

My private coaching currently ranges from;

✔️ 1-hour creative injection sessions 

✔️ 2-hour creative clarity sessions 

✔️ 4-hour strategy days

When you work privately with me...

You get to cherry-pick what we work on together, and focus on whichever outcomes are most meaningful to you.

They include [but aren't limited to];

  • Knowing with precision where you want to be creatively, short and long term, giving you reignited energy, focus and excitement for your creativity and your future

  • Identifying what’s truly been holding you back up until now (it’s very often not what you think), so you can feel clear on your immediate next steps to finally make moves and make progress

  • Working through some powerful strategies to free you from overwhelm, so you can get back to the in-flow, fun and fruity-you who’s making your creative magic happen

  • Co-designing a tailor-made plan for your creative ambition that actually works for you, how you think, and how you live

  • Implementing paradigm-shifting tools to bolster your creative self-belief, so you can step into complete trust that what you desire IS actually possible

Starts from ÂŁ333 per hour

Or choose a pre-designed experience

Creative Clarity Session

2-hour 1:1 coaching on Zoom

Blending powerful coaching tools and intuitive exercises, we'll identify and unlock your creative zone of genius.

In our deep-dive, 2-hour online session together, we will;

  • Identify (on both a conscious and unconscious level) what you truly desire creatively

  • Implement paradigm-shifting tools to bolster your creative self-belief

  • Help you step into complete trust that what you desire IS actually possible, and

  • Feel clear on your immediate next steps to finally make moves and make progress.

ÂŁ555 (payment plan available)

Creative Strategy Day

4-hour 1:1 coaching on Zoom

Using a mix of potent coaching modalities and deep enquiry, we'll co-create a robust and crazy-exciting plan of action together, that’s 100% tailored to you and how you tick.

In our focused, 4-hour online strategy day together, we will;

  • Get crystal clear on what it is that you want to create

  • Identify what’s truly been holding you back up until now (it’s often not what you think)

  • Work through some powerful strategies to free you from overwhelm, so you can get back to the in-flow, fun and fruity-you who’s making your creative magic happen

  • Co-design a tailor-made plan that actually works for you, how you think, and how you live

ÂŁ999 (payment plan available)

If you feel you'd love support through one (or maybe even a combination) of the above options, apply by tapping the button below and we'll have a good old fashioned, human-to-human chat about how I may be able to help

Apply now

"I was struggling with channeling my creativity as i was afraid of what people would say and think. Now, I'm not wondering what people will think of a more authentic me. The tools that have been passed on really were extraordinary. I felt a shift straight away."


"You are amazing Kerry!!! :) Thanks for helping me realise, I DESERVE IT!!!"

Samantha Berry
Artist / Designer

Apply for private creative coaching

Fill in your details below if you’re ready to think bigger, play bigger and smile bigger in the next year